Strategic Partners

The CMTDA is a trade association dedicated to the marketing of machine tools and services in Canada throughout distributorship companies. Founded in 1942, the CMTDA currently consists of over 80 members. The CMTDA website maintains interactive reports of Machine Tool sales data from 2008 to present. The CMTDA is always accepting applications for new members. You can download the application form from the CMTDA website.

The Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA) was established in 1963 by uniting various trade associations into one strong organization that represented the “Tooling Industry” in Canada.
The tooling industry encompasses all involved in the design, manufacture, repair, or assembly of tools, dies, moulds, models, patterns, jigs, fixtures, gauges, machinery, machining systems, robotics, automation equipment, machine shop products, cutting tools and all related industries and service providers including general jobbing.
Membership is restricted to manufacturers and industry suppliers as associate members to ensure that the CTMA will always be devoted to manufacturing in the tooling and machining sectors in Canada.
Membership has continued to increase and this has resulted in the formation of Chapters in Windsor, Toronto and Western Ontario. These chapters meet on a regular basis and provide networking opportunities for members.
The NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS for CTMA is elected from the general membership. The Board represents the different industries involved in the manufacture of tooling and machine shop products.

Looking to break into the Québec market? Investissement Québec is the go-to partner for international businesses thinking of locating to Québec. Our team of experts provides the full range of services you need to set up in Québec and make your venture a long-term success. And once your subsidiary is up and running, our job is far from over! We continue working with you to help ensure your business stays competitive over the long haul.
Industry Supporters

AI 4 Manufacturing Canada is an industry non-profit organization that takes a leadership role in educating Canadian manufacturers and technology companies on how to best adopt artificial intelligence (AI). The focus is networking of manufacturers, technology companies, consultants, suppliers, educational institutions, and governments with the exchange of information, advocacy, innovation, and collaboration.

Canada Makes is a network dedicated to promoting the adoption and development of advanced and additive manufacturing (AM) in Canada. Canada Makes is focused on facilitating the connection of organizations locally, nationally, and internationally to promote collaboration and innovation in additive manufacturing.

When it comes to welding technology, EWI focuses on helping customers identify their challenges, develop technical solutions to address them, and set them up for successful implementation. Questions addressed to EWI experts are often open-ended: Where do we start? How do we fix or improve something? What are our options for materials and processes? EWI’s robust R&D teams and testing labs support the decisions your company needs to make. To know more, please visit
CWB Group picks up where EWI leaves off to help companies meet industry standards once procedures are in place. The group can answer questions like these: How do we comply with industrial regulations and meet quality criteria? Who can validate our applications? How can we effectively ramp up our workforce for production? CWB offers welding certification, management systems registration (ISO), shop floor safety and quality inspection, and training and membership services. To know more, please visit

The Montreal Industrial Expertise Center (CEI MTL) supports manufacturing companies in succeeding their digital transformation and industrial projects. CEI MTL, mandated by the Ministry of the Economy, Innovation and Energy of Quebec (MEIE) and propelled by Industrial Excellence Saint-Laurent, neutrally assists Quebec's manufacturing companies to increase their productivity and performance through their digital transformation and industrial projects. We offer solutions designed in response to industry needs. Our team assists manufacturers from various sectors of activity that are advanced in their digital transformation. Whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise or a large company, we have solutions for you.

We are performance in practice. We believe that the performance of organizations depends on the adoption of the best management practices in the world. We also believe that these organizations must be able to rely on a reliable reference in this area, and have highly effective networks for exchange and sharing. Winning in performance. Winning together.

NGen is the industry-led, non-profit organization leading Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. One of five national networks supported by Canada's ambitious Innovation Superclusters Initiative. We are founded on the principle that digital transformation in advanced manufacturing will enrich the lives of Canadians, delivering better products and good jobs while generating the economic growth essential to a better future.

The Blue Factory (Usine Bleue) is driven by REAI, a non-profit organization, which unites over 130 members (our "blue resources") specializing in automation, robotics, and services across all niches and manufacturing processes.
With our "blue resources" readily accessible, there's no longer any need to undertake projects in isolation or to look for suppliers internationally when equally effective solutions are available right here. These solutions are not only conceived, produced, and integrated by the brilliant minds of Quebec but are also poised to redefine performance standards.
By fostering collaboration within the Blue Factory, in a 5.0 paradigm where humans are central to transformation, both manufacturers and automation suppliers will expedite the process and generate a surge in responsible innovations. This collaborative effort will enhance circular and exponential value within Quebec's economy, setting a new benchmark for how industries innovate and evolve.

Founded in 1987, STIQ (Quebec Industrial Subcontracting) is a multi-sectoral association of Quebec companies whose mission is to develop business relationships and improve the competitiveness of manufacturing companies to promote the growth of our economy.
Media Partners

At Canadian Metalworking it is our ongoing goal to write about the technologies that matter to Canadian manufacturers from coast to coast, technologies that can have a dramatic effect on shop productivity. Each issue of Canadian Metalworking features new product information, technology advice, and stories from innovative shops. During the year readers can expect in-depth coverage of milling, turning, grinding, EDM equipment, quality and measurement devices, and additive manufacturing technology, as well as software and IT designed for the manufacturer. Canadian Metalworking also is home to information about the consumables of our industry, including carbide inserts and tooling.

Manufacturing Engineering is a highly respected magazine serving U.S. engineers and other manufacturing professionals who use manufacturing technologies. The magazine’s history dates back to 1935, when SME first published it as Tool Engineer. In the 1960s, the magazine was called Tool and Manufacturing Engineer. In the 1970s, it became Manufacturing Engineering and Management. Since 1975, the magazine has been known as Manufacturing Engineering, or as our customers sometimes call us, M.E.

Smart Manufacturing focuses on advanced manufacturing technologies and tools that are driven or enhanced by integrated information technology. Smart Manufacturing is available free of charge to qualified subscribers in the US.
Media Sponsors

Canadian Manufacturing
Canadian Manufacturing is the top source of daily industry-focused news in Canada. We cover the world of manufacturing with stories that impact your business each day with news, in-depth articles, expert commentary and thought leadership. Our digital first, national media brand reaches 70,000 senior industrial decision-makers across Canada, with a focus on manufacturing executives and managers.

Design Engineering
Design Engineering is Canada’s definitive information source for mechanical engineers, machine builders, product designers and OEMs. In total, 80 percent of DE’s readers classify as Canadian OEMs in industries spread across automation equipment, aerospace, automotive, defense, resource extraction, power generation, medical equipment and product development.

La Chaise Bleue
The podcast 'La Chaise Bleue' is a dynamic platform that primarily brings together actors from the manufacturing sector, innovation, and technological transformation. Its goal is to discuss the daily challenges faced by these professionals while highlighting their successes and advancements. By breaking down barriers between different domains, the podcast encourages collaboration and the exploration of partnership opportunities. Moreover, it provides technological watch for the industry by showcasing experts during major events. Through its affiliations, 'La Chaise Bleue' strengthens its network and credibility, thus offering a platform where innovative ideas and valuable knowledge are shared and explored. Join us!

Manufacturing AUTOMATION
Manufacturing AUTOMATION’s mission is to make its audience’s jobs easier by keeping them informed about the latest industrial automation technologies, trends, news and products, primarily in the Canadian discrete manufacturing sector. Available in both print and digital formats, we cover such topics as factory automation, process automation, Industry 4.0 and IIoT, safety technology, robotics, motion control, sensor technology, industrial control, logistics, and communications and networking.

Published every two months, the MCI Magazine stands out for its editorial content rich in varied and current subjects with cutting-edge files affecting various industrial sectors such as aeronautics, industrial safety, plastic materials, new technologies and the digital shift, tools and manufacturers, artificial intelligence, handling and transportation, mining, metallurgy, and much more! MCI is the most important French-speaking magazine targeted to the Quebec industrial sector. Be it our paper or digital versions, you will have the best background and the latest information. Our team includes specialized journalists and field collaborators who work passionately for our readers to stay up to date with the latest news from the province thanks to their news texts, their thematic files, and their diversified columns. The MCI is published and distributed free of charge in the province of Quebec, as well as in the French-speaking parts of New Brunswick and Ontario for a readership of 65,000 people.

MRO, Canada's Maintenance Voice, delivers news for maintenance and reliability professionals looking to achieve best-in-class maintenance. MRO offers practical machinery, equipment, and plant maintenance information for professionals in the manufacturing, utilities, and resource industries. Our comprehensive content mix includes case studies, technical features on machinery and equipment performance and repair, best practices in reliability, implementation trends, and field intelligence on the latest products.

Plant’s audience — C-suite at manufacturing companies across Canada — are busy running their business, finding new customers, hiring, and more. They look to PLANT to keep informed through in-depth coverage on Canadian manufacturing, advanced technology adoption, industry news, exporting, lean manufacturing, supply chain, government programs, talent acquisition and management. Ultimately, PLANT covers it all.

Shop Metalworking Technology
Shop Metalworking Technology offers high quality, informative and relevant editorial content to a unique readership of metalworking industry decision-makers. This commitment to our readership has rewarded Shop Metalworking Technology with a dedicated and loyal subscriber base that anxiously awaits to reach each issue that is published! We publish, mail and email eight issues a year! As well, we offer multiple online products including e-newsletters focused on specific processing technologies and an easy-to-navigate website offering a wealth of information, as well as archived past issues.